“SOWPODS” updated to CSW24

Hello all, I just updated the lexicon for non-North American club and tourney play (affectionately known as SOWPODS) to the CSW24 lexicon. Lots of new words, too many to list. Literally… my tool prints them out as I create the updated folders for the site’s online checks, and there were too many to list.

But no matter, both Chez and Gladiators are using the new list.

Also, while you are here, I am working on a site transition plan, cleaning up the legacy of defunct scripts no longer used, some from over twenty years ago, to make the site easier to maintain in the future, and to transition to a new virtual server in a couple months. I have lot of confidence that I will pull this off — our current dedicated server costs keep escalating and maintenance isn’t that simple. I have more conversions to go, and will have the site running on a Ubuntu Linux computer in my home office. From there, I will transfer it to a virtual server at a new hosting company and work to get that set up and e-mail working (the latter I cannot do at home). If that all goes according to plan, then undergo some additional testing, then put up new site info so you can find the site, and then at some point, freeze the old site, transfer all the updated user files over, then create an automatic redirect from the old site to the new site. Both Chez and Glad will be running on the same site in the future (but distinct from each other, like now). I will retain ChezMoi and Gladiators as the names of the two game sites, because that is who were are, and only the domain name will change (TBD).

Make sure your e-mail address on the current sites (both Chez and Glad if you play in tourneys) are UP TO DATE!

And bookmark this blog — it’s on the ‘outside’ so I can post here if all else fails!

Anyway, I would like to have things ready to switch over by by early April at the latest. Stay tuned!

Author: benwood

Co-administrator of Chezmoi and Gladiators

2 thoughts on ““SOWPODS” updated to CSW24”

  1. Re the ‘clean-up’ of script; sometime in the last few(?) years, we lost the ability to create a Challenge game in Ch3zMoi, although the couple of Challenge games I already have are still operating. I hope, at the very least, that they don’t cease to function as a result of the clean-up, & I’d be grateful if it were once again possible to create them. (If such a thing isn’t troublesome.)
    Thanks for all the work.

    1. Upon further review… this feature DOES work. You need to tweak the game filter settings to see the CHALLENGE games. I will change that behavior with the updated site so they show up all the time by default (that is, ALL games — OWL, SOWPODS, French, OSPD, and Challenge or ‘regular’). You can then use the filter to select your preferred lexicon etc.

      If you tweak the filter on the JOIN page in this section:


      You can get them to show up. I don’t think about that set up too much, but I think having everything show up by default and then letting you e.g. look for OWL or SOWPODS games only using the filter makes more sense.

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