Welcome to the new blog with a purpose of supporting Chezmoi and Gladiators players from an external site. Please bookmark this home page of the blog so you can get news even if the regular site is down.
Categories of articles will include the following, with more added as deemed useful: News, Help, Reference, and Around the World.
So the first news of importance: due to staffing shortages at our hosting company, we now deem it essential that you make sure you update your e-mail address on both Chezmoi and at Gladiators. Do this by using the “settings” button and edit your e-mail address. Make sure there are no typos! And press Save Settings when you’ve gotten it right.
This is a ‘just in case’ action while staffing at our hosting company is impacted by the pandemic.
It will be possible to post comments, but they must be moderated for content because web robots show up and post spam and virus links. So don’t expect a reply soon, we’ll visit every few days during quiet times to check, and during busy times (like when we changed to a new hosting company for the site), we’ll be here often to post updates and answer questions in comments.
good job Ben
I am having a problem setting up a game for the new player Bandit49. I have tried two times to set up a game and both times other people came in even though I wrote that the game was for new player Bandit49,,,The name today was England and yesterday Readers Ready,= He is in England and I do not know how to remedy this except if I make a game with a password, Thanks for any help,
I need to write some new “primers” about setting up games, so the capabilities are better understood.
The BEST way, in my opinion, to create a game FOR somebody is to set up a game that only THEY can join in the first place. You can do that either with a password (2nd best), or the best method, which follows.
On the CREATE GAME SETUP screen, in the WHO CAN JOIN section, select the radio button “THIS PLAYER ONLY” and then click the down area in the text field just to the right. That pops open a list of all players. Just scroll down until you see your friend’s nickname and select it.
When you press CONTINUE to FINAL STEP, read the information about the game you are about to create. You should see this line in that dialog:
Who can join: Bandit49
If you don’t, then you probably forgot to press the radio button “THIS PLAYER ONLY” so use your browser back arrow and fix that.
On the confirm dialog, if the game name, who can join, and Series Length fields all show the settings you want, press CREATE THIS GAME.
Then wait for them to join, or send them an e-mail that they can now join. They will be the ONLY player who will even see this is a game to join. On their JOIN screen, it is in a special section called, “GAMES CREATED JUST FOR *YOU* (nobody else can join)”
I hope this helps! If you have issues, let me know!
I am enjoying this game, an opportunity to play with a friend. Just a question on the clock. When I shut down my computer for the night, let’s say at my midnight, I check our game to see if she has played. Well, she hasn’t so I close my computer. Then, the next morning, let’s say at 7a.m., I re-load the game and find that her move was made 15 hours previously, but I had definitely checked just 7 hours previously and it was not there. Just wondering…………
Great question, Olga. First, the way to see if it is your turn (most reliably) is to press “Panel” to bring up your list of games. That should refresh your list at the same time. And, if you leave your browser on that page, it will auto-refresh every so often, more quickly at first, then less quickly. That is, it refreshes after a couple minutes, and keeps doing so, but if you leave it on that page forever, it refreshes less often (assuming you probably aren’t sitting there).
If you are about to close down your computer, I suggest pressing “Refresh” at that time.
Also… when you click on an opponent’s nickname and see when they played last, they *might* have played in a game with another person then, but not your game, perhaps running out of time before playing in all their games.
If you are looking at the time of day IN the games, you’ll have to adjust for GMT. The timestamps in the games are server time, which is GMT. I play on the Pacific Coast of the US, which is GMT – 8 hours (GMT -7 hours with daylight savings time).
So if the server says my opponent played today at 08:00:00
That is 01:00:00 Pacific Daylight Time.
Anyway, it can get confusing, and once in a while a browser listing gets messed up and won’t refresh properly. You can always log on with an alternate browser to check that. If you discover a browser has a ‘stale cache’ then you must clear out it’s cache (google it) and that usually solves the problem.
If your opponent has just 1 game, and that’s with you, then it’s unambiguous to just click on their name and look at their profile and it tells you how long ago they played.
Hope this helps! I know it’s not super straightforward but it should be accurate once you account for the time zones and also the fact that some people have a lot of games and don’t get through them in a single sitting.