Hosting service OS upgrade soon

Hello all. First: BOOKMARK this blog!

The operating system on our hosting computer has expired, which means it will not get security updates any longer. I need to get the server migrated to a new version of Linux.

What this means to YOU:

— The site will have some downtime;

— There is a possibility that there will be migration issues, potentially difficult to resolve.

I’ll work to mitigate those, but some issues just come out of left field, like possible scripting issues. I’ll collect a full set of backups before the upgrade process.

So if I have trouble getting the site back online, then you can come directly here for news, as this is a separate (personal) domain.

I’ll make comments to this post to provide updates, but I anticipate either having our service assist with this (best case) or if they are unwilling, then I will perform the remote update, ideally within about 1 week (July 12th or 13th).

Also, please ensure that your e-mail address on the site is UP-TO-DATE. This may be necessary for sending out a message at some point, but also it can be used at any time for recovery of your password, even if I set up the site on another domain. To check and/or update your password, visit your Play Panel (press Panel at the bottom of your game page), then press “Settings” button along the left column of buttons. On the settings page, view your e-mail listed and update if necessary. After updating, press “SAVE New Settings” to get them to stick.

Update on 6 July: I think I’ll push this a week later, to the ~18th or so, if I can get our web hosting company to assist; otherwise, the weekend of 21-22 July.

Author: benwood

Co-administrator of Chezmoi and Gladiators

5 thoughts on “Hosting service OS upgrade soon”

  1. Please feel free to contact me if there’s anything I can help with. I’ve been using Linux since 1995.
    Tom (Tom239 on ch3zmoi)

    1. Thanks for the offer! We’ll see how the first weekend goes with the replacement server. We have a three week window for the transition.

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